Using the Kata Mega Menu Builder, you’ll be able to design a mega menu very easily using Elementor and Styler. You can implement your very own design using Kata’s elements and publish your mega menu. Click on Mega Menu from the Admin Panel.
You’ll see a list of your mega menus in this section. Click on Add New if you don’t have any mega menus.
Choose a name for your Mega Menu and publish it. Then click on Edit in Elementor in order to view the Elementor Editor.
Now, start designing using Kata Elements and the Styler in order to create your custom template and click on Update in the end.
Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Menu and make sure that you have the Mega Menu Box on the left side of the page. Click on Screen Options on the top right corner of the page and enable Mega Menu. Though most likely, your mega menu box will be enabled by default.
Now add the Mega Menu you’ve created from the Add Menu Items section to the menu and save it.
The end result would look something like this: